She was a woman on a mission
Here to drown him and forget him
So I set her up again to wash him down
she has just about succeed
with that low-down, no good cheating
good for nothing, came strutting through the crowd
-oh he was laying it on so thick
he never missed a lick
professing his never-ending love
oh but i never will forget
when she stood up and said
"so i guess you think we are just gonna kiss and make up don't ya?"
thats when she said
why dont you kiss, kiss this!
and i dont mean on my rosey red lips
and me and you
(me and you)
we're through
(we're through)
and there's only one thing left for you to do
you just come on over hereone last time
pucker up and close your eyes
and kiss this, goodbye
well,the next thing i recall
she had him back against the wall
chewing him like a bulldog on a bone
she was putting him in his place
i mean right up in his face
dragging him down a list of done did wrongs
it was just about now
that the crowd gathered around
they come to watch him pay for his every sin
she called him everything under the sun
and when we thought she was done
she rared back and she let him have it again, MAN
she said...she said
why dont you kiss, kiss this!
and i dont mean on my rosey red lips
and me and you
(me and you)
we're through
(we're through)
and there's only one thing left for you to do
you just come on over here one last time
pucker up and close your eyes
and kiss this,
why dont you kiss, kiss this!
and i dont mean on my rosey red lips
and me and you
(me and you)
we're through
(we're through)
and there's only one thing left for you to do
you just come on over here one last time
pucker up and close your eyes
and kiss this, goodbye
kiss this, GOODBYE
girl: SEE YA!
24 Ağustos 2007 Cuma
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» Aaron Tippin - Kiss This
Aaron Tippin - Kiss This
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