25 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi

Aborted - Exhuming The Infested (necro-eroticism Part 2)

[Music: Thijs, Aborted; Lyrics: Sven]

Again I penetrate the graveyard soil
my necrotic needs are reborn
thrashing my way into the infested
I catch a glimpse of the dead
Choosing my fuckhole - an adrenaline brush

Forcing my pole into her cave, dyhadrated & harsh
Irritated by the decomposed urethra,
a mushier twat I seek

Amidst the heap of decaying matter
a bloated cadaver stands out
gnashing and bashing into these infested
festering wounds start to reck
I thrust her into half - Bathing in spunk

Thursting and pumping my maetpole
savagely I ejaculate, The worm invested cavities impaled
Congesting the crud beneath
The warmth of my seed, infiltration through the urinal tube
The parasites start to feed, orgasm achieved by the
gnashing of my beef

These corpses that now lie defiled I stalk this soil with lust
The next carcass heavily impaled, more dead tissue on my cock

Unsaturated by the ones below
Digging digging, eaten from inside
All that rots must clear my path...


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