[music: nick, aborted; lyrics:nick]
Why not trample the vermin crawling beneath your feet ?
Why not drown the parasitic rats which you lead ?
They leech on your back, squander the air you breath
Minced intestines, nail-pierced genitals
amputated limbs, urine injection
A misantropic murder mind
more corpses to roast and grind
Prisoner of war, casualty of doctinal gore
Block II-a moribund humans store
Anition through hibernal confinement
Don't ask what was this implants content
How long can a human being stand up straight?
At which point does medical intervention come too late?
Surgical experiments, the infernal doctor awaits
Ingrained hatred and pathological ingenuity it takes
Subordinate to the doctor of death
Hydrocyanic fumes shall fill your last breath
A genocidal strategy with immaculate tact
25 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi
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» Aborted - The Holocaust Incarnate
Aborted - The Holocaust Incarnate
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