I can't wait much longer
Revenge is overdue
You took your chance and screwed me
Way back in '82
Inside my hate is burning
My brain's on overload
My innocence is over
Now I'm ready to explode
I'm gonna be your nemesis
- I like it when you scream
I'm the mother of your nightmares
- got a contract to redeem
This one's for you - right in your face
Just sit on this and spin around
This one's for you - your time is up
Stick it - shove it - where the sun don't shine
You've always been a wise guy
You played at being rough
I stripped away your masquerade
And now you ain't so tough
You're a coward with no backbone
I will crush you with my heel
Put the scrapings in my blender
Add some bourbon - what a meal
I'm gonna be your nemesis
- I like it when you scream
I'm the mother of your nightmares
- got a contract to redeem
This one's for you - right in your face
Just sit on this and spin around
This one's for you - I hold the ace
Stick it - shove it
This one's for you - right in your face
Just sit on this and spin around
This one's for you - a bunchof fives
Stick it - shove it
This one's for you - right in your face
Just sit on this and spin around
This one's for you - no one but you
Stick it - shove it
- where the sun don't shine
25 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi
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» Accept - This One’s For You
Accept - This One’s For You
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