Yeah - watch out !
She got loads o'money
A sugar daddy's car
Diamonds galore money she can burn
I think you know what I mean
Her eyes look from the window
What's it gonna come down to
In the hush of the night sugar daddy's don't know
Even though she tried to play the discreet
I've been yearnin' - I'm down on my bended knees
Wheels are turning - the night time favors me
It makes me feel alright - yeah -
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Everybody shout out
If it's love that you need from a stranger
Turn around girl I got a word for you
And you know It don't matter what you contain
No it don't matter don't remember your name, no
Hey - hey - hey - hey - hey
I know you like it but I'm too blind to see
Hey - hey - hey - hey - hey
I gotta know - I gotta know if I pass the test
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout - everybody
You know what's gotta be turned around, babe
So take a hold of that wheel - get it on back, babe
You gotta fantasy
I've been yearnin' - to put me down on my bended knees
Keep on turnin' - I never ever knew
I never knew if I passed the test
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout out
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout - everybody shout out
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
You know that's it - c'mon give it to me
Now you're speakin' the language - babe, give it to me
Did you hear what I say, yeah
Everybody shout out - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around - everybody shout
Turn the wheel around,...
25 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi
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