27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi

Adrian Belew - Brave New World

Adrian Belew - Brave New World

What a brave new world we live in
what amazing changes we`re seeing
when science and man go hand in hand
what a brave new world we live in
Sometimes I think of the advantages we have
over the people in the past
there is no end to all the choices we can make
and the miracles we use everyday
What a brave new world we live in
what amazing changes we`re seeing
when science and man go hand in hand
what a brave new world we live in
Sometimes we look at all the problems we face
and we can only complain
but look around at the advances we`ve made
after all we used to live in a cave
What a brave new world we live in
what amazing changes we`re seeing
we live in the sky and people can fly
what amazing things we try
Technology is a double-edged sword
especially when it`s used for the weapons of war
but when you think about the progress we`ve made
to cure a disease or travel into space
or simply pick up the phone and talk around the globe
what amazing powers we hold
What a brave new world
when science and man go hand in hand
what a brave new world we live in

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