Walking along in the light of the streetlamps
The rain makes the pavements and walls seem to shine
I�m aware of the fact that there�s someone behind me
Footsteps I hear that are other than mine
I try to walk faster but the stranger stays with me
Every step that I take seems to quicken his pace
He�s alongside me now but I daren�t turn to see him
Then headlamps like searchlights flash over his face
And I see the world in his eyes
I�m down at the sea and I stand among sand-dunes
The sky hangs so heavy and the sea�s thick and gray
The wind bends the reed-grass and whistles its sad tune
It bites at the water and chases the waves
There�s someone beside me � I know it�s the stranger
This time I�m not scared, this time there�s no fear
I turn and I see him standing there in the darkness
The clouds part for a second and the moon shines so clear
And I see the world in his eyes
And I see the world in his eyes
28 Ağustos 2007 Salı
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» After The Fire - The Stranger
After The Fire - The Stranger
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