28 Ağustos 2007 Salı

Agonizer - Agonizer

"At that incident it occurred to me
For your love was just another game
Baby you always played with me
Cutting your claws deeper into me

And when I was ready for the slaughter
Never knew what's coming to me
You just ripped my heart out
And stole my soul away

So you buried me alive
Now I'll never be the same again, again, again

You won't believe when I will be there
With the wheels of gold and steel
You will cry from fear of me
From fear of me and the agony

So if know what they say
That evil always earns his pay
Still a killer like you are
Won't lose her heaven place

So you buried me alive
Now I'll never be the same again, again, again

You won't believe when I will be there
With the wheels of gold and steel
You will cry from fear of me
From fear of me and the agony


You won't believe when I will be there
With the wheels of gold and steel
You will cry from fear of me
From fear of me and the agony

You won't believe, you won't believe,
You won't believe the fear of me!
You will cry, you will cry,
You will cry from the agony."

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