Alone in the dark again
I only hear the voice of rain
Still looking into darkness
For your eyes to meet my tearful ones
Sometimes ı feel like,ı see you
Then ı try to touch your hands
My heart begins beating so fast
With angels flying round me
Why isnt love as easy as ı feel
Why cant ı reach you though you are near
Why does it always has to be so hard
I've had enough of these cursed lives
I've had enough of living with dreams
Why me ? why us ?
I've had enough of these cursed lives
I've had enough of living with....
Why me? why us?
Alone in the dark again
I only hear the last silence of you
Still looking into darkness
For your eyes to meet my painful ones
Sometimes a scene comes to my mind
Just you and me with no cries
Then ı touch you,feeling so warm
All angels are shamed...
Why isnt love as easy as ı feel
Why cant ı reach you though you are near
Why does it always has to be so hard
I ve had enough of these cursed lives
I ve had enough of living with dreams
Why me ? why us ?
I ve had enough of these cursed lives
I ve had enough of living with....
Why me? why us?
I wish ı forgot everything
I wish ı started a new life,with you...
28 Ağustos 2007 Salı
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» Agora - Whisper Of A Painful Love
Agora - Whisper Of A Painful Love
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