Like father, like son
Like father, like son
Like father, like son
Don't come on so cocksure boy, you can't escape your genes
No point in feeling purer boy, your background intervenes
Listen good and listen straight, you're not the master of your fate
To this you must be reconciled, you'll always be your father's child
At times acclaimed, at times reviled
You'll wind up doing just what I've done
Like father, like son
Like father, like son
Don't assume your vices get handed down the line
That a parent's blood suffices to condemn the child's design
I've done wrong, I can't deny, but at least I know that I
Shouldn't blame that on my stock, this may come as quite a shock
But I'm no chip off any block, I wouldn't wish those words on anyone
Like father, like son
Like father, like son
Son, you're nervous, take my hand
All is settled, all is planned
You've got the world at your command
I don't think you understand
Just have the slave if you must, and be done with her
Don't ever speak of her like that again
I appreciate too well, the squalor at which you excel
It isn't very hard to tell, evil's a distinctive smell
From this day on I choose my own way
If I choose to be with Aida, then I will be
And no one, not you, not even the gods can stop me
He's lost all sense of reason, and why? some foreign slut
Not only is that treason, some doors are slamming shut
Just like me, he's found that flesh can excite but will enmesh
Watch me rid him of this blight, once the harlot's out of sight
Then I think he will see the light
He won't walk back to daddy, he will run
Like father, like son
Like father, like son
Like father, like son
Like father, like son
28 Ağustos 2007 Salı
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» Aida - Like Father Like Son (lenny Kravitz)
Aida - Like Father Like Son (lenny Kravitz)
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