Hasty years leave behind
Only dust in my life
Now I'm not in my shoes anymore
I'm floating higher
I fell in a maze and survived
And I escape from the limbo
I saw the light, it guided me
Silence invade a temple
A farewell was heard in the dome of the sky
The heaven's call is not a fantasy,
It's a sign saying liberty
So let me fly, let me see the paradise
- All my chance is here
Then, my soul emerge from a dream
Hence the days are not still
The sand will turn in gold
The mistery is over
Oh! The dusk is frightening me
My hands are freezing and my heart is cold
And the sphinx looks me with red eyes
I fell in a maze and survived
And I escape from the limbo
I saw the light, it guided me
Silence invade a temple
A farewell was heard in the dome of the sky
The heaven's call is not a fantasy,
It's a sign saying liberty
So let me fly, let me see the paradise
- All my chance is here
I'm running light
Over Seas, over lands
Glowing stars I can reach with eyes
And see how close I am
I'm floating higher
I can hear your voice my friend
When we meet again we will complete our lives
The heaven's call is not a fantasy,
It's a sign saying liberty
So let me fly, let me see the paradise
- All my chance is here
28 Ağustos 2007 Salı
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» Akashic - Heaven’s Call
Akashic - Heaven’s Call
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