You`ve got your home of the brave and I`ve got my land of the free
You conform to what society says and I conform to me
Looking for light in the corners getting caught in the spider web
You look at me as if I`m giving a performance when I`m just feeding my head
And you know that I`m doing all right
And I won`t explain myself to you just to avoid a right
How I`m living ain`t correct but for me it`s just right
I`m not completely insane, I`m maybe just a little bit crazy
There`s no one to blame, got no shame about game
Don`t want nobody to save me
I`ve got a pair of ruby slippers that I don`t wear much anymore
And if I had the nerve I`d click my heels and return
To the wonderland I knew before
I`m waiting to slow boat to China, want to sail away to the sun
I`ve been searching for myself and I know I`m gonna find her if I break away from everyone
So the way that i act may not fit in
Just because I`ve got a mind of my own doesn`t mean it`s a sin
I don`t ask you to give up; don`t expect me to give in
`Cause I`m not completely insane, I`m maybe just a little bit crazy
there`s no one to blame, got no shame about my game
Don`t want nobody to save me
Some like to live for the moment taking life into their own hands every day
And if they don`t get killed they get so high off the thrill
They could float to heaven anyway
And others want to ave for tomorrow thinking money is security
Well I understand the need but I don`t get the greed
And they all seem pretty crazy to me
You can tell by the expression I wear
Though I seem a little strange to you ,I don`t really care
I got the freedom to be and there are others like me everywhere...
28 Ağustos 2007 Salı
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» Alana Davis - Crazy
Alana Davis - Crazy
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