Cantrell Staley and Kinney
Began this take at 7:38
Head hit the board, enough that it aches
Wonder should I be working so late
Began this take at 7:38
Head hit the board, enough that it aches
Wonder should I be working so late
Wonder should I be working so late
Began this take at 7:38
Head hit the board, enough that it aches
Wonder should I be working so late
Wonder should I be working so late
Well the nothin song sticks to your mouth
Like peanut butter on the brain
Nothin ever stays the same
Nothin, yeah nothin, nothin, nothin
Went outside to give all a break
Wearing cowhide, steak on a skate
Back inside, Sam throw away your cake
Went outside to give all a break
Went outside to give all a break
Wearing cowhide, steak on a skate
Back inside, Sam throw away your cake
Back inside, Sam throw away your cake
Well the nothin song sticks to your mouth
Like peanut butter on the brain
Nothin ever stays the same
Nothin, yeah nothin, nothin, nothin
Gotta finish so I can awake
Feed the cat as she spreads all the waste
Snap her neck or trade in for new make
Gotta finish so I can awake
Feed the cat as she spreads all the waste
Snap her neck or trade in for new make
Snap her neck or trade in for new make
Well the nothin song sticks to your mouth
Like peanut butter on the brain
Nothin ever stays the same
Well the nothin song sticks to your mouth
27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi
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» Alice In Chains - Nothin’ Song
Alice In Chains - Nothin’ Song
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