Let the feast begin
Let's kill tonight, carnage is the pride
Hounds of hell ravage the land
Now it's time to leave this rotten flesh behind... what is left?
This is the last supper for the worms
Funeral Feast
Let the feast begin
This is the demonwomb where we're living in
Let's burn'em down
Legions of war tear out their breath
Your claws rip out - Goddamned spine!
This is the last supper for the worms
Funeral Feast
Only food for the worms
Grotesque Funeral Feast
The Worms lurking under the plain shell of your life
And we're feeding their hunger with scorn, on and on
Plaguing this time with demonic rhymes
Let'em feel your pandaemonic kind!
Let'em feel you demonic kind
This is the last supper for the worms
Funeral Feast
Only food for the worms
Grotesque Funeral Feast
27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi
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» Aliengates - Funeral Feast
Aliengates - Funeral Feast
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