27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi

Allegiance - Destitution

Left out in the cold
The world has closed it`s doors
Time are so hard now
No fun in life no more
Looking back
At the way it used to be
The past is all I have now
Hard times have hit me

I wish I could run
Wish I could hide
Forget all my problems
Just curl up and die
Out on the street
Out on my own
Facing the world alone

My eternal suffering
A death sentence with no time
Endless journey no escpe
Destituion is my crime
Wh yam I so helpless
No feelings of life`s worth
A desperate need for salvation
Is this life a curse

I wish I could run
Wish I could hide
Forget all my problems
Just curl up and die
Out on the street
Out on my own
Facing the world alone

Lack of baisc need
Desire on-which to feed
Desperation is my life
In poverty I will die

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