I was an August baby
Conceived by the Christmas lights
I came into the world by the setting sun
On a humid summer night
When my grandmother held me for the very first time
She thanked God I looked like
my daddy
And I never quite knew just
what she meant
But I knew she was a lit-tle too happy
And now I see
You can`t change a stubborn mind
You can`t see the world if your eyes are blind
What does it matter anyway
In our
darkest hour we`re all just shades of grey
They got married in a tiny chapel
Malcolm X was on the radio
When he took her as his wife
And she looked so pretty that September day
And her older brother cried as he gave her away
And the minister looked like he didn`t know what to say
And then he spoke
And when my grandmother held me
For the very first time
She thanked God
I looked like my daddy
And I never gave a
damn just what she meant
But I knew she was a little too happy
And now I see
You can`t change a stubborn mind
You can`t see the world if your eyes are blind
What does it matter anyway
In our darkest hour we`re all just shades of grey
In our darkest hour we`re all just shades of
Darkest hour we`re all just
Shades of grey - Hey, Hey, Hey
It doesn`t matter anyway Don`t give a damn
Don`t give a damn
Don`t give a damn what they say
We`re all just shades of grey
We`re all just shades of grey
Shades of grey
27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi
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» Amanda Marshall - Shades Of Grey
Amanda Marshall - Shades Of Grey
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