27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi

Amanda Marshall - The Voice Inside

Genius is in the mistakes (woo!)
The rules do not apply (they don`t)
Maybe the wrong time and place (what, huh?)
Listen to the voice inside
Hey - just `cause he ain`t tall (tall)
So I met him at the mall (mall)
Doesn`t mean that I should write him off
It`s just a circumstance
So what if he can`t dance?
His heart is kind and those big hands are soft
He speaks a language that can change what I believe
Genius is in the mistakes (woo!)
The rules do not apply (they don`t)
Maybe the wrong time and place (what, huh?)
To the naked eye
To the concious mind
Shouldn`t be denied
Listen to the voice inside
So - my friends don`t think he`s cool (so what?)
He likes Coltrane, I like Tool (who`s that?)
He wears leather patches on his tweed
Yeah-- but I know that he`s deep (teach me)
The company I keep (whatever)
May not be the company I need
To pay attention
This is serendipity (serendipity)
Genius is in the mistakes (woo!)
The rules do not apply (they don`t)
Maybe the wrong time and place (what, huh?)
To the naked eye
To the concious mind
Shouldn`t be denied
Listen to the voice inside
Genius is in the mistakes (woo!)
The rules do not apply (they don`t)
Maybe the wrong time and place (what, huh?)
To the naked eye
To the concious mind
Shouldn`t be denied
Listen to the voice inside
Genius - he`s a genius
Every big decision is a trial by fire
Wisdom acquired
Fuel my desire
Ooh baby, my heart aspires to genuis
Genius is in the mistakes (woo!)
The rules do not apply (they don`t)
Maybe the wrong time and place (what, huh?)
To the naked eye
To the concious mind
Shouldn`t be denied
Listen to the voice inside
Genius is in the mistakes (woo!)
The rules do not apply (they don`t)
Maybe the wrong time and place (what, huh?)
To the naked eye
To the concious mind
Shouldn`t be denied
Listen to the voice inside

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