27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi

Amber - The Need To Be Naked

I feel the need to be naked with you
I feel the need to be naked with you
Need to be naked with you

How can I explain the forces of nature
Why do opposites attract
Aren't we just animals after all at night when the sky is black

I want you so bad, this craziest feeling that I ever had
I feel the need to be naked with you (need to be naked with you)
I feel the need to be naked with you (need to be naked with you)
Take off my pants, my shirt, my socks and my shoes
I need to be naked with you
I need to be naked with you

If you don't want me, I'll be devastated
I'm so much in love with you
Waiting not knowing baby I hate it
Tell me what you want me do
I want you so much that I ??? for your touch
I feel the need to be naked with you (need to be naked with you)
I feel the need to be naked with you (need to be naked with you)
With you
Take off my pants, my shirt, my socks and my shoes
I need to be naked with you
I need to be naked with you

All these clothes just come between us
Let's go where no one can see us
My skin, my lips need to lick your fingertips
I feel the need to be naked with you
I feel the need to be naked with you
Take off my pants, my shirt, my socks and my shoes
I need to be naked with you
I need to be naked with you

I feel, I feel, I feel for you

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