30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe

E-Type - Free Like A Flying Demon

i'm calling upon your attention
now is the time, we're talking serious redemption
come follow me
red light wasn't warning when i first saw her body move
i wasn't sure it was a jet stall.
i thought i had it all, now i am down and low
memories on the wall, i have to let it go...
i'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies
just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life
i'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies
just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life
why can't you see into the future?
you're going to get hurt by someone who won't suit ya
they call it your destiny
but i am pretty sure now
that one who's lonely can't get hurt & is getting stronger
i thought i had it all, now i am down and low
memories on the wall, i have to let it go...
i'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies
just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life
i'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies
just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life
someday it might just work but this ain't that time
this grounded flight is taking off, i'll leave you behind
i'm free like....a demon....no more of them filthy lies
just free like....a demon....this is the day of my life
i'm free like....a demon....no more of them filthy lies
just free like....a demon....this is the day of my life
i'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies
just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life
i'm free like a flying demon, no more of them filthy lies
just free like a flying demon, this is the day of my life

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