i'm falling...
i'm falling to pieces inside my mind
without you
among the things that you left behind
a picture painted by our dreams
so now i'm none, i become unreal
the world is closing in on me
ga ga ga ga
gotta learn, gotta learn to live
without your love in my life (don't want me)
gotta learn, gotta learn to live
without your love in my life
gotta learn, gotta learn to live
without your love in my life (don't want me)
gotta learn how to survive
we just got to learn how to forgive
you decide if i will die or live
'cause i am falling
i'm falling to pieces inside my mind
without you
i'm falling
i'm falling to pieces inside my mind
without you
those days and nights, they went flying by
and still my love is wider than the sky
picking 'em, picking 'em, picking 'em, pickin 'em
picking up, picking up the bits
and the pieces of our love (don't want me)
picking up, picking up the bits
and the pieces of our love
picking up, picking up the bits
and the pieces of our love (don't want me)
picking up bits of our love
we just got to learn how to survive
you decide if i will live or die
'cause i am falling
i'm falling to pieces inside my mind
without you
i'm falling
i'm falling to pieces inside my mind
without you
30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe
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