have faith in me
i promise you
whatever may be
whatever we do
the final door
we see the light
but we still want more
the world is too bright
the time has come
we turn our backs
you're not the one
to be with
in the trinity
we lurched into the deepest night
as black as it may be
i seek to clear this clouded sight
so all of you can see
stakka & e-type:
we could always lie
could always try to turn them away
we could always sin
and when we win you will obey
we got upset
you rule the game
how can i possibly let
us take the blame
what we used to be
what we usually are
there is nothing to see
we're past that by far
our secrets remain
between me and you
but i want to gain
i do what i am told to do
into the pit i seek a light
to guide me on my way
the time has come to end the night
and now you will obey
stakka & e-type:
we could always lie
could always try to turn them away
we could always sin
and when we win you will obey
<< keyboard solo >>
the time has come
we turn our backs
you're not the one
to be with
in the trinity
into the pit i seek a light
to guide me on my way
the time has come to end the night
and now you will obey
stakka & e-type:
we could always lie
could always try to turn them away
we could always sin
and when we win you will obey
[repeat 3 times to fade]
30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe
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» E-Type - Obey (Feat Stakka B & La Camilla)
E-Type - Obey (Feat Stakka B & La Camilla)
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