Thanks a bunch for staying with us tonight
Over lunch, we'll talk about the lights
I need to go now, I need to drive round
I need to lie down
Thanks i'm stunned it's time to go
I promise you're my best friend
Then in the end, that wont make it so
I need to go now, I need to drive round
I need to lie down
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
Thanks thanks a lot, we love you all
Thanks, please thank your Mums
'cause you are the best that we've ever known
I need to go now, I need to drive round
I need to lie down
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
Every time I hear you I feel lonesome on a cloud
Every time I see you I feel happy and around
I need to lie down
I need to go now, I need to lie down
My heads in a spin, the state that I'm in
I need to go now
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
Probably notice you're probably worth it, just about
24 Ağustos 2007 Cuma
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