30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe

Europe - On Broken Wings

Little Jeanie Cried, she believed in all his lies
so much for being good, oh.
Johnny did not rest he did what he thought was best,
he did the best he could.
Don't try to see the world in different ways
Those moments and all those days.
Don't let them faint away.

On Broken Wings
I guess that's how you'll have to fly
two broken hearts
across the sky

Now he's feeling bad
his heart is cold it's o so sad
somehow he did her wrong, yeaheah
Little Jeanie's heart
is melting fast ow so fast.
Now she feels so strong
Don't try to see the world in different ways
Those moments and all those days
Don't let them faint away.

On Broken Wings
I guess that's how you'll have to fly
two broken hearts
across the sky.

Don't try to see the world in different ways
Those moments and all those days
Don't let them faint away.

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