30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe

Everlife - Everyday Is Christmas

"Everyday Is Christmas"

Everyday is Christmas
Everyday is Christmas

The count down is starting
Its getting closer
Snow is falling
Its getting colder
Everyday thats passing its making my hope grow stronger

All of friends said that they saw you at my favorite store
Just so you know being with you would mean so much more
Every moment together doesnt seem long enough
Ill remember these other times to celebrate
So come with me this holiday

Let the bells ring let the choir sing
I wanna hear the sound
Somewhere out there theres something we share
Its where our love is found
So if you cant be with me now I know that if we sing somehow well be together
Wishing that everyday was like Christmas

Everyday was Christmas
Everyday was Christmas

Everyones busy walking around inside crowded malls
Its only a guess but did you get my list at all
Put all my favorite things taking it back cause all I want is you
The greatest Christmas gift is bringing us bringing us together

Let the bells ring let the choir sing
I wanna hear the sound
Somewhere out there theres something we share
Its where our love is found
So if you cant be with me now I know that if we sing somehow well be together
Wishing that everyday was like Christmas

I never ever wanna miss you this much
Oh yeah
But I know that our hearts will be together eternally

Let the bells ring let the choir sing
I wanna hear the sound
Somewhere out there theres something we share
Its where our love is found
So if you cant be with me now I know that if we sing somehow well be together
Wishing that everyday was like
Everyday was like
Everyday was like Christmas
Everyday was Christmas
Everyday was Christmas
Everyday was Christmas
Everyday was Christmas
Everyday was Christmas

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