filthy, fucking landlords, apartments up for rent
cheating, lying, swindling tenants of their every cent
paying them for housing, you need somewhere to sleep
they're concerned with nothing but their profit property
money, lie and real estate are so easy to conceal
who are they gonna answer to they're taking all we're worth
just scumbags and parasites, they're renting out the earth
living off your misery and they don't give a fuck
you payed your rent your money's spent and now you're fucking stuck
money, lies and real estate, or whatever they can steal
people put their trust in others hoping for the best
then they're getting ripped off by the people who infest this system
and society and plague it with their lies conmen in disguise
don't care about conditions, there's a slum here for a price
sign on the line right here because they know you have no choice
filthy fucking landlords are just conmen in disguise
conmen in disguise
money, lies conmen in disguise
24 Ağustos 2007 Cuma
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» A Global Threat - Money, Lies And Real Estate
A Global Threat - Money, Lies And Real Estate
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