One time to know that it's real
One time to know how it feels
That's all
One call - your voice on the phone
One place - a moment alone
That's all
What do you see?
What do you know?
What are the signs?
What do I do?
Just follow your lifelines through
What do you hate?
What do I do?
What do you say?
Don't throw your lifelines away
Don't throw your lifelines away
One time - just once in my life
One time- to know it can happen twice
One shot of a clear blue sky
One look - I see no reasons why you can't
One chance to be back
To the point where everything starts
Once chance to keep it together
Things fall apart
Once I make us believe it's true
What do we see?
Where do we go?
What are the signs?
How do we grow?
By letting your lifelines show
What if we do? What up to now?
What do you say?
How do I know?
Don't let your lifeline go
Don't let your lifeline go
Don't let your lifeline go
27 Ağustos 2007 Pazartesi
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» A-ha - Lifeline
A-ha - Lifeline
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