31 Ağustos 2007 Cuma

Iced Earth - High Water Mark

It was very close, yesterday,
I thought for sure, that they would break
But this attack, that i have planned
A massive strike across open land.

In the center, they will break
Planets will, everythings at stake
Well hit em hard, not a silent gun.
Before the infantrys begun

Execute it well...we risk everything..its in gods hands now..

General lee, i must tell you straight
That i beleive this attack will fail.
No 15,000 men ever made,
Will overtake that bridge today.

A wild charge over open ground,
With yankee cannon gunning down,
We do our duty, we do what we must
And in my plan, you will trust

(Thooouusands diiie...)

Execute it well...we risk everything..its in gods hands now..

The rebel cannons break the silence
One hundred fifty gunsmen on the cannons there
We must destroy the union center

Before the infantry can launch their grand assult
The yankees are returning fire
We must in turn fight its gods will that we are here this day

What happens here this day
The fate of a nation
In the balance it will hang
Consumed with the pain

The courage of the blue
The valour of the gray
So very sad but true
Consumed with the pain..

The [something] are then chosen
They went behind the trees on cemetery ridge
They must be slow to give the orders
The light emerged from my own 15,000 men

The charge begins in all its granduer
For many are these men, they know it is their last

The slaughter now ensues, bodies fall like rain
They valiantly ensue, though doomed to remain
At the double quick they charge
The cannon still rips through them
To the mouth of hell they march
Glory the only gain

[cannon scene]

Were almost there my boys
I never thought wed fire
We must push forward boys
And bayonet the evil tyrant

Through the depths of trees we charge
To cross the union center
And when they turn and run
I hope theyll drop and beg for freedom

[battle ensues, orchestra solo,
With people dying in the background]

Its over now we are retreating
I never thought that wed be beaten
All this blood is on my hands
The thousands dead due to my plan

I am responsible
All of this is my fault
I thought us invincible
Is this gods will, after all?

I look across this blood soaked land
All their blood is on my hands

God forgive me
Please forgive me...

Its all my fault
Their blood is on my hands....

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