the damage has been done
listen to the cries of turmoil
as the day continues to rain
you can hear the vocal violence
silence the crowd
words fall short of sound
as the loudest of men
becom speechless
lack of breath
is what swept me away
as i wallow
helpless in this surreal atrocity
with night approaching
we all become vulnerable
everything seems to move slower
as time drifts apathetically
to great the dawn
as the new day begins
the effort to live becomes none
>> Cavil
i tested your patience
without you even knowiing
so i continued to throw words
around carelessly
i knew how to get you off
certain words
evoked this beast from you
it was your carless eyes
that strayed away
which brought forth
your true feelings
now tell me of the nights
when you pushed my patience
the thrusts of hormonal guilt
i suffer here
your skin
holds the image of his face
and your hair
smells of compulsive lust
now tell me
was it worth it?
>> The Change Came Suddenly
can i spread frustration
without speaking?
without parting my lips
except to breath?
i let my actions speak for me
because my words
collided with yours
it created tension and frustration
so i left
i didnt turn around to see
how troubled you were that night
i promise that it paled in comparison
to the anguish each step brought me
as i walked away
my heart pumps your rhapsody
i still lick my lips
to the thought of you
so now im stuck here
in the purgatory of longing
for that one kiss good-bye
i try to empty myself
of all desire that i crave for ou
but the attempt only brings me
to my knees
i succumb to you idol
this subconscious social vampire
who haunts everythought
i chock on the will to demand patence
only to find myself swallowing blood
>> Nevermore Will They Have An Understanding...
do you know the glorious?
do you know they breathe and live?
the strict attention that they give
toward their competition
is comparable to any domiant country
that exists today
not allowing their alertness
to be distracted while they take
what they want
your actions are useless
the appalled know
not to question or act our
toward the glorious in a harmful manner
the result woudl disastrous
eighter side you choose
can be negative or positive
so i appalled walk away
with their eyes closed
and mouths gaping open
trying to take in each breath
they can as they walk away
they never question them
they never even think twice about it
and all we here is his born
you can hear him strain
as the pitch retreats
deeper into a gloom monotone note
there is a sudden silence
which consumes the crowd
a second later
faces start to grow old with age
stress soaks eyes
with a foggy coat of depression
lips wrinkled
as the air grows bitterly cold
i am running
trying not to look back
leaping over fallen bodies
and seeking shelter from this living hell
>> ...In Anything Done Under The Sun
with a simple blink of an eye
the trupeter stops
he has run out of breath
he dtops to his knees
to regain his breath
panting and gasping for as much air
as he can fit into his tired lungs
he risses to his feet
with tears in his eyes
he has failed
>> Maudlin
her cloths were soaked with mildew
ropes burned their way
through her fragile thin wrists
i stood over her
watching to see
if she was going to live or die
i remember her
screaming and scratching to my arms
while i was tying her wrists
behind her back
she was kicking her legs
up and down in my direction
trying to prevent me from knotting the ropes
stop crying
i screamed in her face
you took me for granted this time
how could youve done this to me
i said as i punched the ground beside her
until fists were sore and bloody
honey this couldve all been different
if you had wanted it to be
i gently whispered in her ear
u dont care what you want anymore
this is what i want now
dont offer me anything
you will be wasting you breath
>> Pious
a clustered mind is not a benefical one
i am being chocked mentally
thought flow through my head
like a verbose raging river
tambling four word phrases
jumping from noun to noun
i yearn to live for a a person
that can make me feel like pious
but instead i am shattered by irreverence
i want someone who allows themselves
to live without margins
to be bereaved
nights turn into days
and i can only remember my dreams
they seem existent
creating the smell of perfume
the fumes turn into a plague
overbearing my senses
with some imaginary woman
who fucks me from hello
when i open my eyes
i see a reflection of myself
lost and motionless
>> The Wicked Will Rot
when did this all start anyway?
we have all the time in the world to kil
so lets converse over my imperfections
you did it all the time
even when i was standing next to you
whey should now be any different?
you already shattered
my self image
with your self righteous
fist of disapprval
i guess when i wasnt there
i wasnt there period
was i
trust is not an option with me anymore
my secrets are my secrets
ive beenpushed into this state
of discomfort once before
i cannot act like it doesnt bother me
my eyes strain
clearly enough for you
to understand something
you lack of compassion
will never allow you to see
>> Overwhelming
now we are here
we are closer to absolute control
more than ever before
my growing desire
to conquer the world
increases over night
this surge of poetic tyranny
gushes through my body conduits
feelings meet me face to face
i stand up taller than you
and watch my hands smother this world
i want to leave millions hypnotized
and gasping for their last breath
i have been here once before by myself
this is nothing new for me
i am degraded and thrown aside
realization steps away from its waltz
with my mental shadows
to present this uncoated truth
>> In Anything Done Under The Sun
with a simple blink of an eye
the trupeter stops
he has run out of breath
he dtops to his knees
to regain his breath
panting and gasping for as much air
as he can fit into his tired lungs
he risses to his feet
with tears in his eyes
he has failed
25 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi
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» A LIfe Once Lost - Surreal Atrocities
A LIfe Once Lost - Surreal Atrocities
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