25 Ağustos 2007 Cumartesi

A New Found Glory - Build Me Up Buttercup

why do you build me up (build me up) buttercup, baby
just to let me down (let me down)and mess me around
and then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
when you say you will (say you will) but i love you still
i need you (i need you) more than anyone, darlinyou know that I have from the start
so build me up (build me up) buttercup, don't break my heart

"i'll be over at ten", you told me time and again
but you're late, i wait around and then (bah-dah-dah)
i run to the door, i can't take any more
it's not you, you let me down again

(hey, hey, hey!) baby, baby, try to find
(hey, hey, hey!) a little time, and i'll make you happy
(hey, hey, hey!) i'll be home
i'll be beside the phone waiting for you
ooo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo

why do you build me up (build me up) buttercup, baby
just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
and then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
when you say you will (say you will) but i love you still
i need you (i need you) more than anyone, darling
you know that i have from the start
so build me up (build me up) buttercup, don't break my heart

To you I'm a toy but i could be the boy you adore
if you'd just let me know (bah-dah-dah)
although you're untrue, i'm attracted to you all the more
why do i need you so

(hey, hey, hey!) baby, baby, try to find
(hey, hey, hey!) a little time and i'll make you happy
(hey, hey, hey!) i'll be home
i'll be beside the phone waiting for you
ooo-oo-ooo, ooo-oo-ooo

why do you build me up (build me up) buttercup, baby
just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around
and then worst of all (worst of all) you never call, baby
when you say you will (say you will) but i love you still
i need you (i need you) more than anyone, darling
you know that i have from the start
so build me up (build me up) buttercup, don't break my heart

i need you (i need you) more than anyone, darling
you know that i have from the start
so build me up (build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart

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