You're always fighting everyone
You were wroung when you were young
You love to think you're on the run
I had to laugh at all your jokes
Had to tremble 'cos you smoked
But you never ever get my vote, yeah!
You're the ones to run from, or so they say
I remember you back in the day
Did my best to keep out of the way
You kicked it up in school
Singing out of tune
While you're fighting everyone
I've been hanging in the sun
There's a million things I've done
You're the one who took the lead
Me least likely to succeed
Different now don't you agree
You're the ones to run from, or so they say
I remember you back in the day
Did my best to keep out of the way
You kicked it up in school
Singing out of tune
Thought you ruled the world
Singing out of tune
Everybody, keep out of his way
Everybody, keep out of his way
Everybody, keep out of his way
Everybody, keep out of his way
You're the ones to run from, or so they say
I remember you back in the day
Did my best to keep out of the way
You kicked it up in school
Singing out of tune
Everybody knew
Singing out of tune
Singing out of tune (a lot!)
24 Ağustos 2007 Cuma
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