30 Ağustos 2007 Perşembe

You love the songs I write

You love the songs I write
You like the movies I like
There must be some kind of twist
I could get used to this

Because you listen to me when I'm depressed
It doesn't seem to make you like me less

'Cause you wrote my name all across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this

I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
I've lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this

If there's a dark side to you I haven't seen it
Every good thing you do feels like you mean it

You wrote my name all across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this

I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
I've lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this

'Cause you wrote my name all across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this

I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
I've lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this

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