[segment i - utterly significant]
I call to me arcane devil
Nkba tobme aztac cromos
Incant master enchant death
Cantul nortom azag meurt
My calls to me i call thremendous
Nkbas tobme nkba trisritis
Aclaim oh! thee... magnific
Aclambas tso trimasquiest
Ayethos crowned mighty.. mighty
Aetos trameron crisa� crisa�
Named king hail! hail! devil
Innom kyoul haym haym cromos
The site glares, fades, burns...
Thy sight glares, fades, burns...
Memorial sins.
Obscurity fills the moments aside!
Avenger!... tempered by his benign intonements.
Thy titan presence transpasses the restricted
The bonds lifted to tenebrific posture...
The secret window captured by movements...
...energumen flow, compounds my hands.
Aetos! i sway the synergy... energenates my
Ash! you bleed... the touch imbues... under
Caress of my runes.
Exudates of god! animated ring... the silver
Herein me.
Unholy signature...
Imperial commanders projecting the trinity...
Throne of evil baron maleficent
Tromis dexul barem nyxousta
Conjure devil
Ebari cromos
In unity withyou manitou
Kalwatri ayul manitork
Demand come belial ayethos
Notrim ramon cruzial aetos
Belial polymorph flares at god...
Civilian, the necklace thou wore...
Art quality of my species.
Welding mine talisman as partnership
A minor auction hollows.
Offer me thee counterpart!
Ah! the runes spread... i'll drink thee bowels.
Red... red... glooms the portals chastity...
Beholder... crimsonly constant... enchanted
Citizen, i accept... you see! here challenges my
Come in... son, you'll find...
That the might amplifies your diplomatic
Poor worthy shadow... the vacant crown is
Seigneur kneel before... and abide my palace,
The knights force the true noble sympathies...
Unname uncast unwish unholy
Nymus outram tristar agbushz
Tenebrous ayethos brought from bottom
Tenebra aetos innay tirst broccin
Uncall uncall unevil unhail! i call
Ansa� ansa� an xul myron nkba
The slayer emphasizes humility...
Premonish the prince
The honorable helm encumbers...
Obfuscate the decree.
Esteem for the greater king...
Deviltry i howl...
I call to me flame neutral plane
SraУ m sraУ m
Nkba tobme inflam neuteai sraam
1 Eylül 2007 Cumartesi
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» Kataklysm - The Unholy Signature
Kataklysm - The Unholy Signature
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