How can they live without Jesus
How can live without God`s love
How can they feel so at home down here
When there`s so much more up above
Throwin` away things that matter
They hold on to things that don`t
The world has gone crazy
But soon maybe
A lot more are gonna know
For maybe they don`t understand it
Or maybe they just haven`t heard
Or maybe we`re not doin` all we can
Living up to His Holy Word
`Cause phonies have come
And wrongs been done
Even killing in Jesus` name
And if you`ve been burned
Here`s what I`ve learned
The Lord`s not the one to blame
For He`s not just a religion
With steeples and bells
Or a salesman who will sell you
The things you just want to hear
For His love was such
That he suffered so much
To cause some of us
Just to follow, follow
So many laughing at Jesus
While the funniest thing that He`s done
Is love this whole stubborn rebellious world
While their hate for Him just goes on
And love just like that
Will bring him back
For the few He can call His friends
The ones He`s found true
Who`ve made it through
Enduring until the end
The ones He`s found true
Who`ve made it through
Enduring until the end
2 Eylül 2007 Pazar
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» Keith Green - How Can They Live Without Jesus?
Keith Green - How Can They Live Without Jesus?
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