2 Eylül 2007 Pazar

Keith Green - Pledge My Head To Heaven

Well, I pledge my head to heaven for the Gospel,

And I ask no man on Earth to fill my needs.

Like the sparrow up above, I am enveloped in His love,

And I trust Him like those little ones, He feeds.
Well I pledge my wife to heaven, for the Gospel,

Though our love each passing day just seems to grow.

As I told her when we wed, I`d surely rather be found dead,

Than to love her more than the one who saved my soul.
I`m your child, and I want to be in your family forever.

I`m your child, and I`m going to follow you,

No matter whatever the cost, I`m gonna count all things lost.
Well I pledge my son to heaven for the gospel.

Though he`s kicked and beaten, ridiculed and scorn.

I will teach him to rejoice, and life a thankful praising voice,

And to be like Him who bore the nails and crown of thorns.
I`m your child, and I want to be in your family forever.

I`m your child, and I`m going to follow you,

No matter whatever the cost, I`m gonna count all things lost.

Oh no matter whatever the cost, I`m gonna count all things lost.

Well I`ve had the chance to gain the world, and to live just like a king,

But without your love, it doesn`t mean a thing.
Oh no matter whatever the cost, I`m gonna count all things lost,

Oh no matter whatever the cost, I`m gonna count all things lost.

Well I pledge my son, I pledge my wife, I pledge my head to heaven,

I pledge my son, I pledge my wife, I pledge my head to heaven, for the gospel.

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