On the following friday as I turned out
the light
Grandma came and knocked at My
quot;Wake up King, wake up My dear
I am gonna show You about the house
of Amonquot;
It is time for tea, it is time again
quot;Even Your mother is present
We made her sleep in My rocking
At first I felt really scared but there
was no reason to
As I saw the knife sneaking out from
Grandmothers dress
Then it cut a tiny wound in My
mothers little hand
It is time for tea, it is time again
Blood was running into the tea pot,
then I heard quot;THEMquot; laugh
quot;A bit of this in a cup of tea, is what it
takes to set quot;THEMquot; free
You will hear quot;THEMquot; telling stories
from far beyond this earthquot;
What I saw and what I heard made me
want to stay and learn
I really hope this dream will never
end, its hard to describe the kind of
feeling that went on in My mind
A paradise
@ ~
Hearing quot;THEIRquot; stories and feeling
quot;THEIRquot; warmth
We laughed with tears in our eyes
From the first cup of tea, to the last
drop of blood
Nothing seemed to matter at all
My Mother? She didnt exist to me,
Oh I felt so heavenly
It is time for tea, it is time again
1 Eylül 2007 Cumartesi
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» King Diamond - Tea
King Diamond - Tea
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