A little later in the day Mother and the Doctor went away
They left me lying on the floor
Heading for local church, no a trace of guilt in their eyes
The reverend Sammael, the venom of GOD himself
And so easy to convert
Conspiracy, Im being victimized again
Knocking at the preachers door
none of them were ever here before
Sammael, GOD in his eyes, leads them into the silent room
Oh such a holy gloom
Doctor: quot;Priest, do You remember King, the loony one
the one who killed his Grandma up on the hill?quot;
Priest: quot;Yes I doquot;
Doctor: quot;Now hes back, the loony onequot;
Talking to the preacher for a while
the Doctor turned him into a child
Sammael, GOD in his eyes, swallowed everything the Doctor said
Oh in the gloom of the night
Priest: quot;From what You tell Me we cannot save him
It could be Satan himselfg or some evil demon
Let us not waste any time, the demon might twist our minds
We must go and do what must be donequot;
Conspiracy, I am being victimized again...victimized
So they left the church, conspiracy of the cursed
Through the dark and the rain, the priest was mildly insane
A crucifix in his hand...Oh no...
Doctor: quot;Soon the house belongs to us My dear
and King will be gone forever, isnt it just heaven?quot;
2 Eylül 2007 Pazar
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» King Diamond - Victimized
King Diamond - Victimized
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