1 Eylül 2007 Cumartesi

Korn - Politics

Everyone's corrupt,
You should just shut up.
Lay down, back off,
The demon you disrupted.

Don't want to talk about politics.
Don't preach or talk about politics.
Don't let me talk about politics.
Don't give a shit about politics!

You want to sleep with him to get to who you need to know.
Think that's the way to go, don't you?
It's in religion, sex, and everything we do and say.
I look the other way, won't you?

Everybody's raped,
Lying to your face.
Kick's you in the gut,
Slayed you here all messed up.

Don't want to talk about politics.
Don't preach or talk about politics.
Don't let me talk about politics.
Don't give a shit about politics!

You want to sleep with him to get to who you need to know.
Think that's the way to go, don't you?
It's in religion, sex, and everything we do and say.
I look the other way, won't you?

Tiny spinter are in your soul (and they remain there)
Darkest light in the deepest hole (you sit and pray there)
All the deals from the things you've done (you wouldn't ever work for)
What you thought was so much fun (you have to pay for)

Don't want to talk about politics.
Don't preach or talk about politics.
Don't let me talk about politics.
Don't give a shit about politics!

You want to sleep with him to get to who you need to know.
Think that's the way to go, don't you?
It's in religion, sex, and everything we do and say.
I look the other way, won't you?

Don't want to talk about politics.
Don't preach or talk about politics.
Don't let me talk about politics.
Don't give a shit about politics!

Don't want to talk about politics.
Don't preach or talk about politics.
Don't let me talk about politics.
Don't give a shit about politics!

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