2 Eylül 2007 Pazar

Lindsay Lohan - Over

I watch the walls around me crumble
but it's not like I wont build them up again
so here's your last chance for redemption
So take it while it lasts cause it will end
And my tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye
I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I'm dreaming about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over
And I'll be the first to go
Don't wanna be the last to know
I won't be the one to chase you
but at the same time you're the heart that I call home
I'm always stuck with these emotions
and the more I try to feel the less I'm whole
My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye
I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I'm dreaming about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over
And I'll be the first to go
Yeah, I'll be the first to go
Don't wanna be the last to know
Over... Over... Over...
My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye
I can't live without you
Can't breathe without you
I'm dreaming about you, honestly
tell me that it's over
cause if the world is spinning and I'm still living
It won't be right if we're not in it together
tell me that it's over
tell me that it's over
Honestly tell me
Honestly tell me
Don't tell me that it's over
Don't tell me that it's over

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