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İnternet'de arayıp bulacağınız bütün şarkı sözleri

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İnternet'de arayıp bulacağınız bütün şarkı sözleri

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

incoming mail etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
incoming mail etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

21 Mayıs 2017 Pazar


Hello Hello...
Yeap I missed so much to write this word on my page, to share something for you !!!
Hi guys!! I came finally. I submitted all my final submissions and I am here. Finally my summer vacation started.
My semester was started early, so it finished a month earlier than other universities.

I spent a tiring and long year. i hadn't have time to catch my breath. Being 2. year student in faculty of architecture made me tired but I completed all missions yes!! I am starting to write blog again yay!! :)

I hadn't shared anything during semester even though I checked all comments from my lovely readers and I replied them. I have formed bonds of friendship with the DM. Luckily, I'm telling you, a good thing you read what I wrote that makes me want to write. :)

If collected gifts dont be shared with others, they dont increase in value. Incoming postcards, letters, gifts may start to lose their value I think. Therefore, I share them with you and It makes them easier to remember for a long time.

Today, I will share another memory on my blog.

I will explain incoming mail from Korea. From Sunbaenim :) You may ask why I am calling him as sunbae, why not oppa? Because he is a soldier and there is a sense of respect between us. I guess there are many things that I will learn from him. He is a real sunbae :)

It came to me in beginning of the spring semester but I was quite busy so Im sharing now.  Pleasant readings!! :)

I guess I have a really big problem with Kakaotalk. 
When I change my ID and open a new Kakao, I can not reach to my some friends. 
When I searched, I couldnt find them even they are not hidden accounts. 
I find my friends When I give up my hopes everytime.

I mention about that on my previous post. Kakaotalk unaccounted matter of fact -.-

A day. Knock knock. and a mail comes from Korea. What is that?! 
It is a gift from my friend who I can not reach to talk. 
Should I be happy to see it or should I be sad to not be able to reach my friend?

The first thing that came to my mind is to look address on mail but 
I m not good at reading Koreans handwriting.  

I tried one more time to search on Kakao and 
I saw my friend account finally!!

Just think. Your mail arrived to your friend and she added you late on Kakao. 
What can your friend think about you? As you think, I was put in an awkward position. 

Luckily I have understanding friends. :)
Anyway Lets start to see the gifts together!


When I opened the mail , this candle was the cause of nice scent.

Essential gift in every mail is tea bag and coffee!
and Maxim!! 
I really want to drink Maxim but I dont know it is halal or not. 
Therefore I keep it for now.


Huge tea bag! Quality of bag is very nice. ㅅ.ㅅ
 I guess each tea bag is enough for my family hahaha  


Face-pack. I dont use it because of its value. I need more to use ehueheueh


Sunbaenim works for Korea Naval Forces. He thought fit it to send :) 
감사해요 선배님!ㅅ.ㅅ


Korean poetry book.
I fell in love with its color and its texture.
I am sure that when I can read it I will fall in love these lines of poetry too.
This is a really meaningful gift for me.


Omg what is these all drawings?! ㅅ.ㅅ 
Animal drawings are so cute, right? :)
He had written that your korean writing was better than mine lol

Guys Did you like incoming gifts? 
Thanks for reading my post :)
We need more friends for nice bonds of friendship!



Lets see the bonus ehuehe

It came from Korea too.
Unnim my dear sister is like a real sister. 

A covered letter to celebrate my new year and her best wishes for me ㅅ.ㅅ

My favourite Kakaotalk emoticons.
I may use them on my phone ehuehe


Yeap!! This is another end of my blog writing. Thanks for reading my blog. If you have any question youcan ask me. I will try to help :) Goodbye for now!! 

By the way.. I'm in summer vacation now. 
If you make suggestion for movie to me, I am here! 
My first choice: sci-fi, horror or adventure on imdb upwards of 7 point. 
Thank you guys see ya! ㅅ.ㅅ

20 Mayıs 2017 Cumartesi


Merhabalar merhabalar...
Çok özlemişim evet bu kelimeyi sayfama yazmayı, sizler için bir şeyler paylaşmayı !!!
Merhabalar arkadaşlar!! Ben geldim. Finalleri bitirip teslimleri devirip geldim. Nihayet yaz tatiline girmiş bulunmaktayım çok şükür.
Okulum erken açıldığı için bir ay erken kapanıyor bu da dip not olsun :)

Uzun yorucu teslimlere boğulduğum bir yıl geçirdim. 2. sınıfın verdiği İç Mimarlığın 4'e 5'e katladığı bu yoğunluğa bedenim galip geldi ve nihayet blog yazılarına başlıyorum.

Hiçbir şey yazamadığım bir dönem geçirmiş olsam dahi sıklıkla okuyucu kitlemi inceledim yapılan yorumlara cevap yazdım DM'den ulaşan okuyucularımla sevimli dostluk bağları kurdum. İyi ki varsınız diyorum, iyi ki okuyorsunuz ki bende de yazma isteği uyandırıyorsunuz.

Biriktirilen koleksiyonların başkalarıyla paylaşılmadıkça değerlenmiyor olduğu kanaatindeyim. Gelen karpostalları mektupları hediyeleri kimseyle paylaşmadıkça bir süre sonra anlamını yitirmeye başladığı düşüncesindeyim. O yüzden yazıyorum ki anılarım sizin gibi dostlar sayesinde daha da değerlensin ve daha çok zihnimde yer edinsin.

Bugünde bir başka anıya bloğumda yer vereceğim.

Korede'ki sunbaenimden gelen paketi fotoğraflarla birlikte açıklayacağım. Neden sunbae diyorsunda oppa demiyorsun diyenler olursa da kendisi asker ve aramızda ciddi bir saygı söz konusu. Kendisini üstüm bilirim ve sanırım ondan öğrenecek çok şeyim olduğunu düşündüğümden sunbae kelimesini yerinde buluyorum.

Bu paket bana dönem içerisinde geldi. Yoğunluktan paylaşamasamda şimdi paylaşıyorum. Keyifli okumalar!! :)

Sanırım Kakaotalk ile ciddi bir problem yaşıyorum. ID değiştirme sonucu kaç kez arkadaşlarıma ulaşamadım verdikleri ID'ler aramada bulunamadı ve umudumu yitirdiğim bir anda hep karşıma çıktılar.

Önceki postlarımdan birinde anlatmıştım buna benzer bir olayı. Kakaotalk kayıp vakası -.-

Bir gün kapı çalar.. ve Kore'den bir paket gelir. O da nedir? Ulaşılamayan bir başka arkadaştan mektup gelmiştir. Hemde kabarık bir paket hediyelerle dolu!!
 Mektubun gelmesine mi sevinmeli, ulaşamıyor oluşuma mı üzülmeli?

Aklıma gelen ilk şey adresi yazmış üstüne bende hemen mektup yazayım ID'sini versindi fakat ne yazık ki Korelilerin el yazılarını okumada pekte başarılı değilim. 

Hadi deneyelim bir daha diyerek Kakao search çalıştırmanın sonucunda ve o da nesi? 
Arkadaşım ekranda belirdi!

Düşünsenize biri paketinizi alıyor ama o kişi sizi önceden arkadaş olarak eklemesi gerekirken paketin geldiği gün ekliyor? Ne düşünürdünüz?
Hm. evet beni unutmuş olmalı. dersiniz sanırım. Evet. Bende öyle derdim.

Bulunduğum bu zorlu durumu anlayışla karşılayan arkadaşlara sahip olduğum için çok şanslıyım. Umarım bir daha kimsenin izini kaybetmem diyerek hediyelere geçiyorum.


Paketi açınca etrafa dağılan müthiş kokunun sebebi.

Her paketin olmazsa olmazı çaylar ve kahveler. ve Maxim!! 
İçmeyi çok istesem de helal olup olmadığuna dair 
bir bilgiye erişemedim şimdilik saklıyorum. 


Paketine bakınca bir demlik çay çıkar herhalde 
dediğim paketinin kalitesini çok beğendiğim iki çay daha ! ㅅ.ㅅ


Bir adet yüz maskesi. Kullanmaya kıyabildiğim bir gün 
tarihi geçmezse kullanacağım ehueheueh


Sunbaenim Kore Deniz Kuvvetlerinde çalıştığından
 bu tatlış stickerları göndermeyi uygun bulmuş. 감사해요 선배님!ㅅ.ㅅ


Korece şiir kitabı.
Kitabın rengine ve dokusuna vuruldum. Eminim ki okuyabildiğim zaman 
dizelerine de vurulacağım.
Benim için çok anlamlı bir hediye.

Korecenin her satırda hakim olduğu, 
yabancı kelimeye yer verilmeyen bendeki ilk korece kitap.


Allah'ım bu şirinlik abidesi çizimler de neyin nesi?!! 
Hayvan çizimleri adeta zarfımı şenlendirmiş nasıl sevimliler öyle!! ㅅ.ㅅ
Bir de yazmış senin Korece yazın benimkinden daha iyi diye hahaha

Evet arkadaşlar gelen hediyeleri beğendiniz mi? :) 
Daha güzelleri sizin olsun inşallah bol bol arkadaş edinin.



Gelsin bonuslar!

Yakın zamanda Kore'den gelen bir başka sürpriz.
Unnim canım benim tam bir abla benim için. 
Busan'da elim ayağım olacağına garanti ediyor nasıl sevilmez böylesi can parçası :)

Yeni yıl için iyi dileklerini içine yazdığı kapaklı bir mektup kağıdı ㅅ.ㅅ

En sevdiğim Kakao emojilerinin bulunduğu Kakaostickerları. 
Tabiiki de kullanmayacağım.
Uzun bir süre bakışmayı planlıyoruz ehuehe

Evet!! Bir yazının daha sonuna geldik. Yazımı okuduğunuz için çok teşekkür ederim. 
Sormak istediğiniz bir şey olursa çekinmeden yorum yapabilirsiniz. Şimdilik hoşçakalın!! :)

Unutmadan.. Tatile girdiğime göre film önerisinde bulunmak isteyenler Bilim-kurgu, korku,macera fimleri imdb 8 üzeri ilk tercihimdir yardımcı olmak isteyen olursa buralardayım ㅅ.ㅅ

12 Ocak 2017 Perşembe


 I am so happy for sharing a new post with you all! I submitted my final project, so new posts are coming! yay!!

Today I will introduce my korean gifts which came from my Korean friend Seowon. Firsty, I wanna say something about it.

Our friendship's been  almost 3 years. I really love her, she is my first korean friend. My first korean friendship experience and first penfriend as well. Shortly, she has a special place.

Nevertheless, I was feeling sad time to time while I was thinking that our bond of friendship may drift away. I wonder that after 1-2 years will we go on to speak like now? I thought about that sometimes.
Why Im telling all things to you, because I lived a bad event and I wanna share it with you.

2 months ago I changed my mobile phone number and I had to take a new KaTalk ID. Thefore, I wanted ID’s of my all friends and wrote them on a paper.

When I opened a new account I added my friends one by one but.. I couldnt find Seowon. When I searched her ID, there was no one, I felt so sad.

 I searched her time to time. I was thinking that she may have closed her ID for searching. Unfortunatelly I got no result. I found a way and I sent an email.
 When we met first, we chatted on email. I sent an email to that address but I got no result again. Finally I decided to send a letter.
 I explained all event and I said that I couldnt find you. At this time I had been searching on KaTalk.

Then one day,A mail came to home from Seowon. Huge packet.. 

When I least expect it. When I thought that our bond of friendship really drifted away.

I opened that and I was shocked because she prepared many gifts. Last year I sent a mail and this year she sent me .After I got it, I wanted to search again her ID. If I can not, I decided to wait she takes my mail. But. Omg. Really? I found!! How?! Rally I dont know but I really found her. I tried many times it worked. I felt complicated. It sounds strange doesnt it?
Immediately I sent a message and we started to talk again. I explained all events we noticed that both of us felt sorry because contact lost.

Our bond of friendship is very strong, I noticed that time.
Within 1-2 weeks, she got my mail and expressed her regrets. I really made an effort to reach her :(
God willing! It is going on well now! We understood importance of our interdependence. .

I got her new mail address, now I feel relax cuz If I lost her again, I can find her easily ehueheu

It was such a memory,I shared it because I wanna share my happiness with you :)

 Lets go on to see all gifts!! click click !

Firstly, I wanna show this packet.  

How cute!! I feel your lovely heart dear! :)
Türkiye Tavşan İnsanlar :D  
Okay Im explaining now :D 터키(Turkey) 토끼(Rabbit) 사람,
 Sometimes while Im introducing myself, I tell it, because I like this consonance,plus, I love rabbit :D When It is translated to Turkish, It became Türkiye Tavşan İnsanlar lol how cute :)
I had wrote a sentence on my Katalk profile. She translated it but how? :)
Some meetings are destiny became some meetings are convicted haha my cute friend I love you!!

And there are some translations about our friendship :) I can eat all one by one ehuehueh

Shall we start?? Lets see gifts!

It is an activity book to study Korean. It includes pics, like elementary school level.
I am good at grammar but I have some problems to memorize words, so I like this book.
 Price 5,000 WON


2 notebooks.I loved BOTH- OF-THEM!

On cover of first notebook, there are sentences from up to down. I like this writing style.
 Especially in the Far East this style was used at past time. 
If you watch historical dramas you may feel as me.
On second one, there is a pics of historical house.
Both of them are source of happiness for me, cuz I collect nice notebooks. .


These cute things are postcards. My dear friend must chose according to my pleasure.

First one is Namsan Tower. Second one is called as number one door of South Korea.  
Each postcard is 1,000 WON


As you can see, it is henna. When I saw it first, I thought that it was a hand cream. After I searched, I understood It is applied to fingers and it made orange color. It is known as Garden Balsam.
If you watched, A Millionaire’s First Love , you may remember she applied it his fingers and close on them.
Price 1,000 WON


Chocolate! Unfortunatly I can not eat them cuz They may not be halal. 
If I ask and she replies me it is halal,
 thats okay I can eat that time :D


Tea bags, coffee, sweets. I dont eat sweet but usually I drink warm drinks.


Adhesive plasters!! It affects to say that Immediately I should injure myself :D how cute!!
I wanted to order on the internet but I couldnt find. 
There were huge packets and they were too expensive, so I couldnt get it.
When I see this cuteness, I felt happy!:)
There are 20 pieces.


What is that?? Dont ask it cuz It is not necessary, it is thimble as you know :D

I make some hand made gifts for Seowon, so she cares of my fingers and sent it to me, 
dear dear dear friend! :)

After I saw it, Our dialogue

-Aaa there is on your culture?
-Aaa I hadnt known that, is there on your country?
Mutual surprise :D


Seowon had asked me that I used hair band or dont and I replied her yes I use. 
And then ta daa!
She hadnt forgot to add it, there is korean alphabet on it. Debak!! .


Carefully folding letters
I felt admiration when I saw it first :D

Finally, the cutest gifts in packet.Stamps. There are korean words on them even there isㅋㅋㅋ  :D and little notebook to apply these stamps.
You should press to this little yellow box to get yellow color on stamps.I havent used it yet.

Thanks for reading my post guys! This is my first english post. 
If you like, I wanna go on to write. Sorry for my half English but I took pleasure while writing.

Lots of Love!!
Hope we can meet on next post, You can ask whatever you want. Click click!!

Take Care of Yourself!! \^^/