There's so much more to this
There's so much more to get
The nights are round the bend
And i don't need my friends
They'll fall for anyone
Don't care to pick or choose
But sticking with the one I want
While they are gonna lose
Long gone thinking you have gone gone
But i know your heart isn't well
I want waiting for the bon bon just shake it there
Let's get wild
And do the things we promised you
Let's get wild
The way i started without you
Why, why, why
The night before so i need more
Why, why, why
Get me on the floor
And let's get wild
Don't tell me where you've been just tell me that you'll stay
I'll cover you with sweat you'll think it's yesterday
Long gone baby you were wrong wrong
but i know your right for me
I want waiting for the bon bon i'll take you there
Let's get wild
And do the things we promised you
Let's get wild
The way i started without you
Why, why, why
The night before so i need more
Why, why, why
Get me on the floor
Oh, you will be gone gone gone
Then i'm all done done done
No don't you try to tell me lies
When i'm all fight fight fight
After i'm way past ten
Give it up and let me in
I won't let you go away again
La la la la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la
Let's get wild
And do the things we promised you
Let's get wild
The way i started without you
Why, why, why
The night before so i need more
Why, why, why
Get me on the floor
Let's get wild...
31 Ağustos 2007 Cuma
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» Helena Paparizou - Let’s Get Wild
Helena Paparizou - Let’s Get Wild
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