2 Eylül 2007 Pazar

Linkin Park - Figure

Nothing ever stops all these thoughts
And the pain attached to them
Sometimes i wonder why this is happening
It is like nothing i can do
Will distract me when
I think of how i shot myself in the back again
'Cause from the infinitewords i could say&I
Put all the pain you gave to me on
Display&But didnt
Realize&Instead of setting it free&I
Took what i hated and made it a part of me

[it never goes away]

And now
You've become a prt of me
You'll always be right here
You've become a part of me
You'll always be my fear
I cant separate myself from
What i've done
I've given up a part of me
I've let myself become you

Hearing your name&The memories
Come back again
I remember when it started happening
I'd see you in every thought i had and then
The thoughts slowly found words
Attached to them
And i knew as they escaped away i was
Committing myself to them and every day i
Regret saying those things&'Cause now
I see&That i
Took what i hated and made it a part of me

[it never goes away]

And now
You've become a prt of me
You'll always be right here
You've become a part of me
You'll always be my fear
I cant separate myself from
What i've done
I've given up a part of me
I've let myself become you

Get away from
Gimme my space back&You gotta just
Everything come down to memories of
I've kept it in but now im letting you
I've let you go
Get away from me

And now
You've become a prt of me
You'll always be right here
You've become a part of me
You'll always be my fear
I cant separate myself from
What i've done
I've given up a part of me
I've let myself become you

I've let myself become you
I've let myself become lost inside these
Thoughts of you
Giving up a part of me
I've let myself become you

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