2 Eylül 2007 Pazar

Live - River Town

And from a tiny river town you came With mamma's rock-star dreams in tow, and daddy's brains But the rats they fought you oh yeah tooth and nail With the way they rigged this game, you had to fail But that's all behind you now, boy And from a tiny river town you came With nothing up your sleeve but a dirty forearm and an ace You were the soldier without a kill They drug you through that slaughterhouse at will You were the soldier without a kill Oh, who's gonna save your soul? Who's gonna make your heart beat again? And from a tiny river town you came Across the Rocky Mountains all in search of better days But paradise took you out and left the bill You were the healer without the thrill You were the ecstasy without the pill Oh, who's gonna save your soul? Who's gonna make your heart beat again? Who's gonna light up your dark? Who's gonna save your soul? Who's gonna be there? Who's gonna light up your dark? With mamma's rock-star dreams in tow and daddy's brains And from a tiny river town you came You'd better turn back before the frost sets in These desert nights are for weathered men The ones who've already given in Who's gonna save your soul? Who's gonna make your heart beat again? Oh, who's gonna save your soul? Now that you've given in Now that you've given in Now that you've given in

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